Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Teas That Help Me Get Pms

Colonial Lucera

Lucero - An extraordinary historical document on the farms of agro Lucera: 160 pages, 215 photographs, 44 ancient buildings reviewed, three sections to describe a world that is important to recover the memory to reflect on origins and values \u200b\u200bof rural culture and help a recovery process that integrates tradition and innovation. And 'the main objective of this second volume on farms and villas of agro Lucera. The book is almost completed and is ready to go to press. The author is German Peppino, a lover of local history and a careful photographer to capture the most significant and important features of the urban-architectural and monumental heritage of the area lucerino. Peppino German, born in Castelnuovo Daunia in 1937 and lives in Lucera in 1942, is a true expert on the subject which in 1989 dedicated a beautiful book illustrating the history and showing the beauty of 70 farms in the countryside of Lucera. Today, after 20 years from that first volume, the Germans appealed to the public institutions and private individuals to support his research by funding the printing and distribution of his latest work. What emerges from the pages of the new book is historically accurate and detailed account of a social network and economic system based on the farms. Those large agricultural units and housing were the pivot on which they extolled the concept of "community" and through which the campaigns were not synonymous with neglect and degradation but reflects the dynamism of a fast-changing society. The farms were connected by a network of sheep tracks and tratturelli along which there were also some small structures that served as "rest" for travelers. Tedeschi's new book - which houses the interesting contributions of Urras Michele, Giuseppe Trincucci, Geppe Inserra and Dionisio Morlacco - A space dedicated specifically to this aspect also. Today, unfortunately, are a lot of the farms that lie completely abandoned and seem destined to become a pile of rubble. For this reason, and especially to try to prevent this immense wealth would disappear without a trace, the work of German Peppino is characterized as an important instrument of rural development and as a tool for reflection and study to reverse the trend of ' indifference and neglect.
(the photo is of the first volume, written by Peppino Germans in 1989)


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