Saturday, September 19, 2009

Can Someone Survive Stage 4 Lung Cancer

Luca Carboni Orsara

Orsara di Puglia (FG) - Concerto in piazza, Wednesday, September 30 at 21.30, in Orsara of Puglia. Luca Carboni will close the celebrations organized in honor of St. Michael, patron saint of the country. The author of hits like "you know Silvia," "We're going wrong" and "Farfallina" is engaged in "Rebel Music Tour", the title of the last album that offers a reinterpretation of tracks by some historians Whittaker, Bertoli, De Gregori, Guccini, Finardi, Battiato, Lolli and Edoardo Bennato. Born October 12, 1962, at age 47, the singer continues to tread the Bolognese Italian stages with his songs and its intimate and poetic way of making music. In 25-year career, with 15 albums and published millions of records sold, will arrive in Luca Carboni Orsara di Puglia for the fiftieth lap of the tour that took him in many squares and theaters all over Italy. The concert Wednesday, Sept. 30 will be an opportunity to celebrate the reopening, which occurred on 7 May, the ancient St. Michael's Cave. This is one of the most important places of worship and evocative of the South. For 12 years, due to the hydrogeological that had undermined stability, dedicated to the cult of the cave was closed to the public. The gorge, which is accessed from the ancient and splendid Abbey Annunziata, was the subject of complex works of consolidation, with an anchor to tuff on which it stands. La Grotta di San Michele is one of the caverns orsaresi that, long ago, gave hospitality to ancient pagan rites. These, with the advent of Christianity, was superimposed on the faith to the "Holy Warrior", the Archangel who will be dedicated to the worship of religious rites and celebrations of 29 civilians and 30 September.


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