Friday, September 11, 2009

Malm Occasional Table Black

Orsara in concert in a whole new school: more comfortable, more secure. It finally arrives at the DSL

Orsara di Puglia (FG) - will be opened Monday, September 14, coinciding with the start of the new school year, the Comprehensive School Sacred Heart of Orsara of Puglia. The structure, after two years of work, has been totally renovated spaces, services and equipment of all facilities required for staff, teachers and pupils might be available locally safe, comfortable and modern. The work lasted two years and the achievement of all the interventions have been used to finance a total amount of € 1.650mila. The building was subject to a plan for structural reinforcement and full compliance with earthquake regulations. The complex stability is now guaranteed by a carbon skeleton and concrete help to ensure strength and resilience in the event of earthquakes. The project was supervised by a University of Bari, one of the first in Italy to use the latest technology used in all areas of the world with a high risk of telluric phenomena.
The work of consolidation and structural adjustment to earthquake standards are a continuation of the municipal plan "safe school", a program started in 2002. In recent years, the building of the "Sacred Heart" had already been the subject of several interventions: fire prevention and accident prevention have been invested € 154,937.07, € 69,205.22 for the refurbishment of the building ledges and tables . The work also focused on the renovation of the toilets of the school building for an amount of 28 thousand euro. Overall, the first of the measures implemented in recent months, the safety of the structure had already been invested € 288,439.21. With the works of his contract, the Via della Croce is virtually a new school. The choice to bring together in one building is the primary medium that was dictated by the need to ensure a safer environment for students. In addition to the new school, the Community of Orsara di Puglia also welcomes the arrival of ADSL. The municipal government, especially in the last year, had repeatedly drawn the attention of Telecom Italy on the need to provide the country with the express line for links World Wide Web.

CARD - A computer for all

All citizens of Orsara, now that the DSL line is now active, will soon learn for free to use the computer in a professional manner, with the possibility to achieve the European Computer Driving Licence . E 'is the objective of the project "" a real plan that the City of literacy Orsara di Puglia, with the Department for Innovation, will launch the first involving 500 orsaresi (of a total population of 3,100 inhabitants) who want to learn to use computers. The Municipal Cultural Center is already active with 12 public computer stations. Through collaboration with the Centro Studi, 500 orsaresi can attend for free from home a full course of computer literacy. But there's more. Thanks to the activation of the ADSL line and the performance context of the course, all citizens can access online services orsaresi Population, land and the calculation of council tax. The project "" provides a course of distance learning (e-learning) for free. The course includes theoretical concepts and general XP operating system, writing texts, working with Exel, databese Access, PowerPoint presentations, Internet use, e-mail and search engines. The fast line for the web, will allow the City of Orsara complete range of services offered through the official website


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