Monday, September 28, 2009

Tikka T3 Lite Long Term Reviews

Orsara, conference on the development of cities in Orsara

Orsara di Puglia (FG) - It will be held Wednesday, September 30 at 10:30 am, in the council of the City of Orsara di Puglia, a conference on "Opportunities and tools for the development of small towns in Europe: welfare of the city and the model of shared growth. " "We want to deal with realities other than our own - the mayor Mario Simonelli -. Orsara is focusing on quality of life and the promotion of the urban and historical heritage and gastronomic choosing the path of sharing and synergies. We want to improve and learn as much as possible from those who, like us, is working to create sustainable social, cultural and economic. " At the conference, will be attended by the mayors of San Mauro Torinese, James Coggins, the French town of Mirande, Pierre Beaudran and Melpignano, Sergio Blasi. In their speeches, followed by those of Elena Gentile, Councillor for Solidarity of the Puglia Region, the Tourism Council of the Province of Foggia, Nicola Lieutenant and President of the associations in Piemonte Puglia, Gianni Dimopoli. "With the circuit Cittaslow - Simonelli continues - in recent years we have been able to take direct knowledge of reality very interesting. One of our duties as directors is to not rest on our laurels and, if possible, to continuously update the tools and helpful ways to support employment growth and social well-being of the Community that has given us confidence to achieve good governance. " The conference will be held Wednesday, September 30 civilians during the celebrations of the Feast of St. Michael. To open the celebrations, Tuesday, Sept. 29, will be the Taste of Old Fair which will start at 10. At 16.30, in the council of the City of Orsara, will be welcomed delegations from the sister city of San Mauro Torinese and friend from the town of Mirande (France). The most solemn event is due to begin at 17.30: the sacred icon of the Archangel will be carried in procession and his sword will cross paths, and large squares of the village surrounded by hundreds of faithful.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Chest And Back Tingly

CHARCOAL LUCA, the interview and the cover of "Viveur"


Gretchecn Rossi Monokini Blue White

Orsara, two days of celebration for San Michele delegations from France and Piedmont

Orsara di Puglia (FG) - Getting ready to Orsara di Puglia, for the celebrations in honor of St. Michael, patron saint of the country. To open the 48 hours of celebration, Tuesday, Sept. 29, will be the Taste of Old Fair which will start at 10. In the historical center, with the exhibition of local products orsaresi, renews the age-old tradition of the show devoted to tastes, handicraft and, once, even livestock. At 16.30, in the council of the City of Orsara, will be welcomed delegations from the sister city of San Mauro Torinese and friend from the town of Mirande (France). The most sincere and solemn event, however, is that it will start at 17.30: the sacred icon of the Archangel will be carried in procession on his sword and cross streets, wide squares of the village and surrounded by hundreds of faithful. This is a moment of great emotion and meditation involving the whole Community. Orsarese the procession of St. Michael was dedicated songs, poems, paintings, anthropological studies and photographic exhibitions that have captured and described in great detail the profound meaning of a ritual that can always keep the same magic. The program of events will continue Wednesday, September 30 at 10:30 am, in the council where they held a conference titled "Opportunities and tools for the development of small towns in Europe: welfare of the city and the model of shared growth." The meeting attended by Mayor of Orsara di Puglia, Mario Simonelli, the mayor of San Mauro Torinese, James Coggins, the Mayor of Mirande France, Pierre Beaudran; Councillor for Solidarity of the Puglia Region, Elena Gentile, the mayor of Melpignano , Sergio Blasi; Councillor for Tourism of the Province of Foggia, Nicola Vessel and the chairman of the associations in Piemonte Puglia, Gianni Dimopoli. Historical pageant at 18 and tasting agnolotti, edited Proloco San Mauro Torinese, to 19.30. It will be a concert by Luca Carboni, Wednesday, September 30 at 21.30, to close the celebrations in honor of San Michele. The singer is involved in the Bologna "Rebel Music Tour", the title of the last album that offers a reinterpretation of some historical pieces belonging to the most popular Italian authors. In 25-year career, with 15 albums and published millions of records sold, will arrive in Luca Carboni Orsara di Puglia tour stop for the fiftieth that led him in many squares and theaters all over Italy.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gpsphone How To Add Cheats Without Computer

Orsara Music in New York in coordination

Orsara di Puglia (FG) - Music Orsara lands in New York. The partnership, after the last successful edition dell'Orsara Jazz Festival, Jazz Days will host the Italian part of the celebrations of Columbus Day 2009 we will have as guest of honor Pino Daniele. The association, chaired by Michele Ferrara will represent the whole of Puglia, it is the only artistic reality Apulian this event. The Italian Jazz Days will be held October 12 to 17 coming in the Big Apple. Lucio Ferrara, a component of historical Orsara Music (Director of International Seminars Jazz Music Orsara di Puglia), and other friends of the association as orsarese Greg Burk and Antonio Ciacca will be among the protagonists of the important New York event attended by musicians such as George Garzone, and Joey DeFrancesco. Lucio Ferrara, also the participation at the event will coincide with the presentation of his new album, "It's all right with me." Orsara Music, therefore, will have the honor to hold the first edition of the Italian Jazz Days, an event that brings together the best of "made in Italy". The event reaches an even higher considering that his organization have worked the Italian Institute of Culture New York and the "Jazz at Lincoln Center, two of the most active and popular cultural institutions in the United States of America. This year, Music Orsara turned 20. In August, the association celebrated its twentieth anniversary with a splendid edition of the Jazz Festival: More than 5 thousand admissions, students from around the world for the International Seminars, more than 100 players to alternate between lectures and concerts. The landing in New York for the Italian Jazz Days has a vocation and the international vision of a society that, in four decades, has managed to innovate and innovate continuously, presenting cultural practice as an engine able to meet and work with the best reality panorama jazz world.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Orange Skins And Flouride

Orsara Cittaslow

Orsara di Puglia (Foggia) - Puglia Orsara was included among the 14 cities of the Italian National Coordination Cittaslow. A note is an officially notify the Secretary of Cittaslow International. In the new statutory body of the network of cities of the good life, Orsara represent the whole of Puglia. The body will be coordinated by Thomas Sgueglia, deputy mayor of Caiazzo (Caserta). The decision gave rise during the meeting of 5 September meeting in San Miniato (Pisa), meeting which was also attended by the delegation orsarese formed by the Department and mayor Mario Simonelli Activities Biagio Deddi production. On that occasion, the first citizen of Orsara gave a talk before the assembly on the progress made by the Community Orsarese in recent years, beginning with the results obtained in the field of public works and the urbanistic. On 14 September, pupils orsaresi inaugurated the new academic year in an institution, the "Sacred Heart", completely renovated and made safe by the use of funding totaling € 1.65 million. In 2008, started operating the new health center multipurpose Orsara di Puglia, a structure that brings together the Clinic for specialist visits, the Hygiene Service, the Family Counseling, the Center for Mental Health, the doctor, the Veterinary Service and the location of 118. Mayor Mario Simonelli, then showed how the synergy implementation with the most active forces of social and economic fabric of the city have helped to consolidate its Orsara Cittaslow membership. A consolidation will continue thanks to "Hospitis," the project for which the Puglia Region of Puglia has selected Orsara and 19 other villages in Puglia (on 187 small towns examined) where to start testing a way of helping to achieve real ' diffuse hotel. Not only, therefore, play a leading role to some great promotional events such as the International del Gusto in Turin, but also more immediate measures aimed at increasing the quality of life: the confirmation of the University of the Third Age ensured the continuity of the Civil Service experience for many boys. This year, then Orsara of Puglia is an area with RV facilities, capable of seating up to 8 teams by providing campers the toilets, manholes, drainage, water, electricity and everything it is necessary to remain in place for several days. The structure, already operational, was inaugurated on June 13. The implementation of the camper, as he explained to the audience of Cittaslow Simonelli, lies in the policies of expansion of tourism services and work of regeneration that involves the inputs of the country. In the same area, in fact, soon will rise a Multipurpose Community Centre, a project for which the Region of Puglia Orsara rewarded with a budget of € 1 million, financial resources with which the City Council will provide a garrison for the country to provide services -structures and support for the elderly. The baptism of Youth Look, as well as open spaces for socializing and training with the Cultural Center Hall, the recreation center and the spring sections of the "Sacred Heart" are investments in the present and future of Orsara of Puglia.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Can Someone Survive Stage 4 Lung Cancer

Luca Carboni Orsara

Orsara di Puglia (FG) - Concerto in piazza, Wednesday, September 30 at 21.30, in Orsara of Puglia. Luca Carboni will close the celebrations organized in honor of St. Michael, patron saint of the country. The author of hits like "you know Silvia," "We're going wrong" and "Farfallina" is engaged in "Rebel Music Tour", the title of the last album that offers a reinterpretation of tracks by some historians Whittaker, Bertoli, De Gregori, Guccini, Finardi, Battiato, Lolli and Edoardo Bennato. Born October 12, 1962, at age 47, the singer continues to tread the Bolognese Italian stages with his songs and its intimate and poetic way of making music. In 25-year career, with 15 albums and published millions of records sold, will arrive in Luca Carboni Orsara di Puglia for the fiftieth lap of the tour that took him in many squares and theaters all over Italy. The concert Wednesday, Sept. 30 will be an opportunity to celebrate the reopening, which occurred on 7 May, the ancient St. Michael's Cave. This is one of the most important places of worship and evocative of the South. For 12 years, due to the hydrogeological that had undermined stability, dedicated to the cult of the cave was closed to the public. The gorge, which is accessed from the ancient and splendid Abbey Annunziata, was the subject of complex works of consolidation, with an anchor to tuff on which it stands. La Grotta di San Michele is one of the caverns orsaresi that, long ago, gave hospitality to ancient pagan rites. These, with the advent of Christianity, was superimposed on the faith to the "Holy Warrior", the Archangel who will be dedicated to the worship of religious rites and celebrations of 29 civilians and 30 September.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Malm Occasional Table Black

Orsara in concert in a whole new school: more comfortable, more secure. It finally arrives at the DSL

Orsara di Puglia (FG) - will be opened Monday, September 14, coinciding with the start of the new school year, the Comprehensive School Sacred Heart of Orsara of Puglia. The structure, after two years of work, has been totally renovated spaces, services and equipment of all facilities required for staff, teachers and pupils might be available locally safe, comfortable and modern. The work lasted two years and the achievement of all the interventions have been used to finance a total amount of € 1.650mila. The building was subject to a plan for structural reinforcement and full compliance with earthquake regulations. The complex stability is now guaranteed by a carbon skeleton and concrete help to ensure strength and resilience in the event of earthquakes. The project was supervised by a University of Bari, one of the first in Italy to use the latest technology used in all areas of the world with a high risk of telluric phenomena.
The work of consolidation and structural adjustment to earthquake standards are a continuation of the municipal plan "safe school", a program started in 2002. In recent years, the building of the "Sacred Heart" had already been the subject of several interventions: fire prevention and accident prevention have been invested € 154,937.07, € 69,205.22 for the refurbishment of the building ledges and tables . The work also focused on the renovation of the toilets of the school building for an amount of 28 thousand euro. Overall, the first of the measures implemented in recent months, the safety of the structure had already been invested € 288,439.21. With the works of his contract, the Via della Croce is virtually a new school. The choice to bring together in one building is the primary medium that was dictated by the need to ensure a safer environment for students. In addition to the new school, the Community of Orsara di Puglia also welcomes the arrival of ADSL. The municipal government, especially in the last year, had repeatedly drawn the attention of Telecom Italy on the need to provide the country with the express line for links World Wide Web.

CARD - A computer for all

All citizens of Orsara, now that the DSL line is now active, will soon learn for free to use the computer in a professional manner, with the possibility to achieve the European Computer Driving Licence . E 'is the objective of the project "" a real plan that the City of literacy Orsara di Puglia, with the Department for Innovation, will launch the first involving 500 orsaresi (of a total population of 3,100 inhabitants) who want to learn to use computers. The Municipal Cultural Center is already active with 12 public computer stations. Through collaboration with the Centro Studi, 500 orsaresi can attend for free from home a full course of computer literacy. But there's more. Thanks to the activation of the ADSL line and the performance context of the course, all citizens can access online services orsaresi Population, land and the calculation of council tax. The project "" provides a course of distance learning (e-learning) for free. The course includes theoretical concepts and general XP operating system, writing texts, working with Exel, databese Access, PowerPoint presentations, Internet use, e-mail and search engines. The fast line for the web, will allow the City of Orsara complete range of services offered through the official website

Friday, September 4, 2009

Who Is The Farting Preacher - Gazetat Shqiptare - Gazetat Shqiptare

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

What The Discus Thrower Reveal About Greek Values

Orsara San Miniato for Cittaslow

Orsara di Puglia (FG) - will be elected Saturday, September 5, San Miniato (Pisa), the National Coordination of Cittaslow, the network of cities of the good life. At the meeting, convened for 10 am in the multipurpose room of Bastion Square, will also attend Orsara of Puglia with a delegation formed by Mayor Mario Simonelli and by the Production Activities Biagio Deddi. Before the vote, the mayor orsarese held his speech in front all'assise. Orsara of Puglia became part of Cittaslow February 5, 2007. Together with Trani and Cisternino, the town of Ursa is one of three villages of Puglia was promoted to be the network of cities of the good life. An association that counts among its ranks even Orvieto, Positano and Greve in Chianti. The international circuit of
Cittaslow was born in 1999. Ten years ago, the "guru Carlo Petrini, together with the mayors of Bra (Cuneo), Orvieto (Terni), Positano (Salerno) and Greve in Chianti (Florence), he founded a movement that today 80 countries are part of the world. The aim of this network of communities is to defend the indigenous food production and enhance the traditional ways of keeping house and the value of local flavor. In this model, which basically aims to improve the quality of life, are involved in all aspects of everyday life: food, culture and social issues, urban planning, environment, energy, transport, tourism, the farming community and youth education. Have the requirements to enter the international movement of Cittàslow is an important recognition, but also represents a severe commitment. A commitment that Orsara di Puglia, in the current year, is meeting in full. In February, the covenant was renewed with the synergy of the municipal administration and associations for entrepreneurial development tourist and commercial centers. In March, the "slow cities Dinner Music" in Orvieto, Orsara di Puglia was the star with its stand, and an evening devoted entirely. In the same month, the country Bear made his debut in London Ife, International Food and Drink Event. This summer has opened an area equipped camper, work began to build the new Community Centre and the extension of asylum Multipurpose Hall. After 12 years, was reopened to the public one of the oldest places of worship in Europe, the Grotta di San Michele, a temple carved into natural rock. And it is also in 2009 that the region of Puglia Orsara Hospitis awarded the project as one of 20 municipalities selected Puglia for initiating a pilot project to help put into practice the idea of \u200b\u200bthe hotel spread.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Teas That Help Me Get Pms

Colonial Lucera

Lucero - An extraordinary historical document on the farms of agro Lucera: 160 pages, 215 photographs, 44 ancient buildings reviewed, three sections to describe a world that is important to recover the memory to reflect on origins and values \u200b\u200bof rural culture and help a recovery process that integrates tradition and innovation. And 'the main objective of this second volume on farms and villas of agro Lucera. The book is almost completed and is ready to go to press. The author is German Peppino, a lover of local history and a careful photographer to capture the most significant and important features of the urban-architectural and monumental heritage of the area lucerino. Peppino German, born in Castelnuovo Daunia in 1937 and lives in Lucera in 1942, is a true expert on the subject which in 1989 dedicated a beautiful book illustrating the history and showing the beauty of 70 farms in the countryside of Lucera. Today, after 20 years from that first volume, the Germans appealed to the public institutions and private individuals to support his research by funding the printing and distribution of his latest work. What emerges from the pages of the new book is historically accurate and detailed account of a social network and economic system based on the farms. Those large agricultural units and housing were the pivot on which they extolled the concept of "community" and through which the campaigns were not synonymous with neglect and degradation but reflects the dynamism of a fast-changing society. The farms were connected by a network of sheep tracks and tratturelli along which there were also some small structures that served as "rest" for travelers. Tedeschi's new book - which houses the interesting contributions of Urras Michele, Giuseppe Trincucci, Geppe Inserra and Dionisio Morlacco - A space dedicated specifically to this aspect also. Today, unfortunately, are a lot of the farms that lie completely abandoned and seem destined to become a pile of rubble. For this reason, and especially to try to prevent this immense wealth would disappear without a trace, the work of German Peppino is characterized as an important instrument of rural development and as a tool for reflection and study to reverse the trend of ' indifference and neglect.
(the photo is of the first volume, written by Peppino Germans in 1989)