Monday, April 13, 2009

Walgreen Colloidal Silver

Easter in Theatre - Monday, April 13, 2009 (The Press Gazzettino)

From Gazzettino of Sunday, April 12, 2009,

(Gi.Di.) "Easter Theatre in Cuttack. By popular demand, the Company tagliolese unstable "is back on the stage of 'Europa Room' and tomorrow night at 21, will present the comedy "The gentleman has served three brilliant acts of Paul Starvaggi. They decided the president of the Society, Lauro Mantovani and his board of directors, aware of contributing to the revitalization of traditional meeting in Cuttack with so many people.
The plot of the play. A distinguished lady left for a holiday and leave to Gregory, a family friend, the house with attached servants. The new tenant is a mystery writer and is entrusted to the care of service personnel. The housekeeper, misrepresenting a soliloquy by Gregory, believes that the mystery writer is an unbalanced and has murderous intentions toward all the servants. The servants, ill-informed by the housekeeper, trying to "front" the moves of the writer, of engaging in misguided attempts to kill him. "The cast is thus formed: Marco Ferro (Gregory, writer), Anna Maria Thrower (Miss Beckenbauer, the housekeeper), Tiziana Cavalli (Lisette, the cook) Elena Milani (Ginetta, the maid), Riccardo Bonaldo (Baptist, the butler), David Finotello (Hector, the gardener), Babila Belluco (Mrs., landlady), Luigi Girardello (zerozero, the killer). The director, than in the past, it changes from Marco Ferro Cited in service, as it changed the artistic director and assistant director who is now Tiziana Cavalli while the stage manager is Chiara Pozzato, vice president of company itself, the costumes and makeup are Graziella Sarto, the sound of David Duo and the scenes of Renzo and Claudio Siviero Augusta assistants are: Sara Gatti, Debora Mantovani, and Arianna Berto Dedid Crepaldi. Organization and Secretariat of Natalino Guarnieri. You can book a ticket (Assigned Seating: 6 €) by calling 349.7629513. The proceeds will be donated to the earthquake victims of Abruzzo.


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