Thursday, April 16, 2009

Are Walls Or Carhartt Better

Tagliolese Easter - egg Cozzo - (Press Release - The Gazzettino)

From The Gazzettino of Wednesday, April 15, 2009,

(Gi.Di.) Tagliolese On Easter Monday is not the traditional clash of eggs organized by the new leadership of the Pro site, led by Leandro Maggi. There has been limited to the fun because everything is organized with the aim to collect as much money as possible and donate the proceeds to help people affected by the earthquake in the Abruzzi. The director of the game was the director of the Pro site, Fulvio Prego.
The clash of the eggs in day after Easter is a very simple but addictive game which is played in different municipalities Polesine. A Cuttack gathered at the sides of three long rectangular tables next to the fountain in Piazza Venezia, controlled by Dorian Moschini, Dario Altieri and Francesco Siviero, over one hundred competitors (a total of about 600 eggs have clashed for the occasion, offered by "Eurovo-Liberelle" with breeding Cuttack) and many others. The game has continued for over two hours. The President Maggi was the speaker and other councilors, the vice president Luisa Tiengo, Lucrezia Tiozzo the secretary, treasurer, Paolo Fabbri, Elena Sunday, Graziella Sarto and then the employees Adriano Furlan, Layla and Andrea Marangoni Zucconelli, who worked hard so that everything could take place in regular continuity, in all phases of the game. In the finals they faced Honest Valeria, 11, and Caesar Scabin, 70. You did not know whether, in the end, both the experience or luck prevailed because he won the Caesar and his grandfather was awarded the giant chocolate egg and Valerie went to a plush, prizes offered by traders of Taglio di Po


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