Saturday, April 11, 2009

Potential For Growth In The Health Sector

Cuttack Pro The renewed site shows appointments Monday (Press - The Gazzettino)

From the Gazzettino of Sunday, April 12, 2009,

Parade with the wedding dresses of the past.

(Gi.Di.) The Board renewed the Pro Loco of Cuttack, led by President Leandro Maggi has put up "at large" traditional events of Monday, although some events are famine changed. Given the particular social moment, marred by the terrible consequences of the earthquake in Italy, the leadership of the Pro site, this, a few nights ago, in the council chamber with many other associations joined the Councillor Renzo Padoan (there were also the commissioner Luca Prencisvalle and the mayor, Margaret Crivellari) The day will be based on solidarity and all that will be able to collect will be donated to the Abruzzi. The events will begin at 9 am with the rally in Piazza IV Novembre, the Fiat 500 and other vintage cars, organized by the Ferrari Club of Cuttack bassopolesine, at 10, in Piazza Venezia 'clash of eggs "with prizes consisting of giant chocolate eggs, at 14.30, always in Piazza Venezia games 'Na of time, "with prizes, there will be inflatables and free live music. The real news is included in the program represented by the parade, however, "The Bride of the past" to be held in the churchyard, including the broad steps of St. Francis of Assisi church in Piazza Venezia.

This is the presentation of a 27 wedding dresses from the '50s to '91, worn, in those years by young brides in Cuttack and now will be their daughters or grandchildren who will present them to the public. "The event fits perfectly into a traditional village: we got married on the second day of Easter because in the previous 40 days of Lent were not celebrated Weddings - remember the leader of the Pro site, Layla Marangoni, promoter of the initiative - and it will be really interesting to see how it used to fashion, certainly more restrained than at present. "
Contributors: Wogue clothing spouses; Digital Video 3 photo; Fashion Studio Tatiana Frost and Elegance Hair Stylist for headdresses Vidali Albana; Cesira Belluco, for the supply of flowers, stationer Lina; Vespa Club of the Po Delta, Joseph Forte Giancarlo Bellan, Elena Claudio Domenicali Gibin for making available their cars.


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