Thursday, October 28, 2010

3 Days Late Cervix High And Hard

Outlet Faenza: an agreement to transfer resources to other towns ... and Casola

the sitting of 26 October, City Council endorsed the 'territorial equalization agreement that - according to Regional Law 20/2000, the planning law - provides that the revenue from major commercial developments supra (infrastructure costs, ICI, etc..) should also benefit common land, and not only the Municipality where the investment is made, as was the case until yesterday.
It 's the case of the construction of the outlet of Faenza, part of the provincial program, will be built near the highway.
In other words, with the agreement signed between the municipalities and the province - the definition of which was also attended by the Mayor of Casola Valsenio - of these resources, for the first time, may also benefit Casola. It 's the practical translation of that policy of economic equalization territorial legislation introduced in Emilia-Romagna.
The agreement has voted in favor of the center-Unite for Casola "and voted against the center-right. For the Mayor of
Valsenio Casola, Nicola Iseppi, " it is a good agreement. It 's the first time that our territory is such a thing. The agreement will be signed by 16 municipalities, accepting the construction of an outlet in Faenza and sharing the positive and negative consequences of that choice.
speak of a structure that will cost (the manufacturer private) about €. 80,000,000, including infrastructure to roads that had already been identified in the PSC, which is assumed will occupy about 400/450 people. Of these amounts I think it will benefit, at least in part, the economy of our territory, and with this many jobs you can balance the serious crisis we are experiencing (by WHO to other smaller companies in the district).
The agreement between the municipalities was critical. Without it, it would have been open to the Provincial Administration to decide what amounts to enter and for whom.
The agreement provides for the distribution of three different revenue: the ICI of the first 5 years (€ is assumed. 1.1 million), the infrastructure costs (will be around €. 2,000,000) and a "compensation" financial contract with private, defined in €. 1,900,000. These sums will be allocated as follows: 60% to the Municipality of Faenza, 15% to the other five municipalities in Faenza, 3% Russian and 22% in 9 municipalities of Lower Romagna.
Based on these percentages, Casola Valsenio has secured a potential entry exceeds its "specific gravity" of the population in the territory concerned. If we were an optimistic calculation, in line with today's reality, Casola would receive €. 69,000 over the next five years to invest in works to serve the citizens and traders.
We think we have reached a good agreement, made by government mature and aware of the logic of the market and the need to be able to make the most of their historic centers.
And 'was amazing to listen to the statements of votes of the minority council. An array of center-right who vote against this agreement because it believes this 'investment risk', 'un'outlet Faenza in our opinion will not survive'. I'm sure that in the coming days we will explain which are also private investment 'not at risk'! Pace of the market, competition, collaboration with the private sector and the creation of new jobs. Strange really, this right. In the city council allowed myself to say that with these arguments the minority "surpasses us left." But perhaps it is not true. Not even the most archaic left would dream of supporting certain thesis.


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