Thursday, October 28, 2010

3 Days Late Cervix High And Hard

Outlet Faenza: an agreement to transfer resources to other towns ... and Casola

the sitting of 26 October, City Council endorsed the 'territorial equalization agreement that - according to Regional Law 20/2000, the planning law - provides that the revenue from major commercial developments supra (infrastructure costs, ICI, etc..) should also benefit common land, and not only the Municipality where the investment is made, as was the case until yesterday.
It 's the case of the construction of the outlet of Faenza, part of the provincial program, will be built near the highway.
In other words, with the agreement signed between the municipalities and the province - the definition of which was also attended by the Mayor of Casola Valsenio - of these resources, for the first time, may also benefit Casola. It 's the practical translation of that policy of economic equalization territorial legislation introduced in Emilia-Romagna.
The agreement has voted in favor of the center-Unite for Casola "and voted against the center-right. For the Mayor of
Valsenio Casola, Nicola Iseppi, " it is a good agreement. It 's the first time that our territory is such a thing. The agreement will be signed by 16 municipalities, accepting the construction of an outlet in Faenza and sharing the positive and negative consequences of that choice.
speak of a structure that will cost (the manufacturer private) about €. 80,000,000, including infrastructure to roads that had already been identified in the PSC, which is assumed will occupy about 400/450 people. Of these amounts I think it will benefit, at least in part, the economy of our territory, and with this many jobs you can balance the serious crisis we are experiencing (by WHO to other smaller companies in the district).
The agreement between the municipalities was critical. Without it, it would have been open to the Provincial Administration to decide what amounts to enter and for whom.
The agreement provides for the distribution of three different revenue: the ICI of the first 5 years (€ is assumed. 1.1 million), the infrastructure costs (will be around €. 2,000,000) and a "compensation" financial contract with private, defined in €. 1,900,000. These sums will be allocated as follows: 60% to the Municipality of Faenza, 15% to the other five municipalities in Faenza, 3% Russian and 22% in 9 municipalities of Lower Romagna.
Based on these percentages, Casola Valsenio has secured a potential entry exceeds its "specific gravity" of the population in the territory concerned. If we were an optimistic calculation, in line with today's reality, Casola would receive €. 69,000 over the next five years to invest in works to serve the citizens and traders.
We think we have reached a good agreement, made by government mature and aware of the logic of the market and the need to be able to make the most of their historic centers.
And 'was amazing to listen to the statements of votes of the minority council. An array of center-right who vote against this agreement because it believes this 'investment risk', 'un'outlet Faenza in our opinion will not survive'. I'm sure that in the coming days we will explain which are also private investment 'not at risk'! Pace of the market, competition, collaboration with the private sector and the creation of new jobs. Strange really, this right. In the city council allowed myself to say that with these arguments the minority "surpasses us left." But perhaps it is not true. Not even the most archaic left would dream of supporting certain thesis.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Free Simple Sand Rail Plans

Press (the voice of Rovigo): The Union of Delta Delta goes

Article by: Anna Volpe

L ' meeting was held to Taglio di Po enthusiasm from the first citizens of the Union

Delta goes

Cuttack - the body takes more and more cases of Union of Municipalities of Cuttack, Ariano nel Polesine, Corbridge and Porto Tolle. He spoke Monday night in the lounge Europe, the respective mayors Marco Ferro, Giovanni Chillemi, Marina and Silvia Bovolenta Finotti informational meeting on the draft constitution of the Union of Municipalities of operating, which was also attended by the provincial councilor policies Marinella social Mantovani, the president of Consvipo Angelo Zanella, the director of the Union of Municipalities of Camposampierese and Luciano Mauro Gallo Saved University of Padua.

Doing the honors was the mayor Marco Ferro, who, after the greetings and thanks to the defendants, explained the significance of the meeting: "We are here to convey the excitement about this project, even in our city councilors, with the hope that we can come up with concrete results in time short, even before anyone impose the union of municipalities. " Same enthusiasm on the part of Mayor John Chillemi, who said he believed deeply in the project. A path must, in its view, the Union of Municipalities, as required by changing times and roles of Commons, you want players in the country. "But alone is not going anywhere - he continued - must, therefore, think differently than in the past and create a strategic plan, determining priorities such as development and improvement of services. Change is a law of life, and we are taking this path. " Bovolenta
Marina explained the situation to Corbridge, the smallest of the four municipalities, which, like all small towns, is experiencing difficult times, and explained his concept of the union, which means not only putting together services to save money, but also consider the development of "critical mass", ie 26 thousand inhabitants of the Union.
"I am confident, therefore, in a way that will not be easy, but which extends beyond the right-left radicalism, adds to the common development projects." Enthusiastically by the Mayor of Porto Tolle Finotti Silvano: "We are writing an important page in the history of the delta. We begin to think about a strategy that makes it competitive in this area and more broadly, to give a broader perspective. Our challenge is above all an idea: put together four communities, each with its own specificity. This concept was reinforced by Marinella Mantovani the institutional role of representative of the Province, who expressed his satisfaction with policy, institutional and personnel to be finally arrived at an important stage in a process that must go on in our province.
"Being here tonight with the objective of commencing a process to build the Union of Municipalities - added - leads me to make a political reflection on what I believe and from time to repeat the element of development strategy of the territory poles. We must aim to reorganize and coordinate the strengths of our region to innovate and extend through a pact between the forces of institutional, social and economic share, for the next few years, targets and responsibilities for common strategies. To do so, we must go out the size of the municipalities to invest in a new culture that encourages us to make the system between different municipalities, to review its operation and streamline procedures in the public administration to engage in project participation and completion of the economic and social territory, creating a different way of being both the public and private. "
"This is my opinion the new governance, they need our Polesine that I think should be initiated and achieved by a Union of Municipalities spread over the entire province - the words of the provincial - then not only motivated by a Union ' Economy in the associated management of municipal services, but planning for a project of economic and social development of strategic cooperation and the shared large areas that look forward. The important thing is to believe, because if we want to be competitive I would stress that the Union represents the development strategy of our country and I hope that the model can be exported to other municipalities in the Province. "
Angelo Zanelli said that the Consvipo has funded an initial study of the project and is available to accompany the four municipalities in the path. He concluded with the hope that the project can be realized quickly. Luciano Gallo has brought his experience, gained over ten years, explaining the various reasons for which the municipalities are aggregated and stating that the union does not mean merger, but enhance the specificity of each municipality. Mauro
Saved amply demonstrates the preliminary feasibility analysis of the Union of Municipalities of the Po Delta study in collaboration with the Association of Master Padua and divided into three parts. Examine the first two dynamics of the territorial, economic activities, municipal structures, mobility, services, safety and environment, has arrived in the conclusions to explain the reasons for building the union and the union for Development management.
regard to the result of the meeting, the next step should be a first resolution to address which formally part of the process and Luciano Gallo has already recommended to the end of October the deadlines for obtaining the regional contributions, ordinary and extraordinary, foreseen for such projects. At the end is resulted in a broad discussion with the various activities of the municipal councilors Armando Tivelli, Margaret Crivello, Massimino Zaninello, Silvia Mantovani, Aldermen Layla Marangoni Cuttack, Roberto Crepaldi of Corbridge and Laura of Modena in Polesine Ariano, who have agreed the need to initiate the Union of Municipalities, shares any of the project, provided that it is a process that sees all the protagonists councilors regardless of color. Many, then, have called for the involvement of the population and called for stepping up the tempo for the start of the process.

Anna Volpe

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Instrumental Song Frenc Name

The documentary "Tuber" the cottage Fabio Donatini, at the Salone del Gusto in Turin

Tuber, the saga of the pico black will be screened Saturday, October 23 as part of Salone Internazionale del Gusto in Turin.
The first documentary film noir to the world of truffles, written and directed by Fabio Donatini and Marco Zuin , was selected by Slow Food on Film.
main protagonist of the story, truffle is followed and stalked in a path that weaves bizarre and grotesque unfairness silence, the glamorous and luxurious restaurants metropolitan economic signs.
Once collected, the nose passes from the hands of the quarrymen to small shopkeepers in the area late into gear for exoticism, where the fungus over-valued amplifies its culinary and social. Thus emerges the face of unexpected but real world of truffles, status symbol, hologram welfare, fatal fetish of competition among humans.
for info and insights here.

Stomach Ulcer Stiff Neck

Tuesday, October 26 City Council meets on

The Council City Casola Valsenio be convened at 20:45 on Tuesday 26 October, in the council chamber of City Hall. After
communications of the Mayor (1) and the possible submission of questions (2), is expected (3) the answers to two questions raised by the group's center at its meeting on September 27: one to know if "the Park Municipal "Sandro Pertini" is or is not a public area ( ... but where do they live?! - ed) and the other to know why "was not enforced the requirement for ' supervisor of public bill to open an office in Valsenio Casola. "
After approval of the minutes of previous meeting (Item 4) Assessor Milena Barzagli approval of the Board will propose some changes to the budget.
The next point concerns the "Agreement with the Province of Ravenna and the Municipalities of Bagnara, Casola Valsenio, Cervia Conselice, Fusignano, and Russi Sant'Agata for the protection and enhancement of the Romagnolo dialect . It will cover the Councillor Maurizio Nati. The purpose of the Convention is the protection and enhancement of local origin of dialects in their spoken words and their use in the literature. E 'provided, among other things, the activation of centers of learning as a means of dissemination of the tradition and culture of Romagna.
A follow (Item 7) Councillor Born propose to the Council the renewal of all '"program agreement between the Province of Ravenna, CONI, the UISP and municipalities of land for the promotion and dissemination of motor in compulsory education and support to this end, collaboration between teachers and technicians of the sports clubs.
Section 8 provides an illustration by the Mayor, the 'regional agreements' s functional expansion of the commercial center of Faenza . The agreement, which will have repercussions for the economy and employment of the whole territory, per art. 15 of Regional Law 20/2000 (the planning law), introducing forms of economic equalization between areas of the same territory.
Once agreement, in paragraph 9, "for granting contributions to local authorities to carry out programs for qualification energy." The outline of the contents and purposes of the Convention is entrusted to the Mayor.
Finally, in paragraph 11, the " Renegotiation of loans from Cassa borne by the local authorities." Local authorities, adhering to the program, will restructure the amortization of loans and not previously rescheduled, creating the conditions for new investment for resources that were free with the reduction in the rate.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How Many Panadols Do You Need To Kill Yourself

The results and programs after the first year of administrative

Saturday, September 25, met the political and programmatic assembly of the center that house in elections last year, he supported the candidacy of Mayor Nicholas Iseppi list and created the "Unite for Casola" . The meeting was an opportunity for reflection on the administrative verification and developed in the latter year, which marked the start of the administrative office that will end in 2014.

Iseppi the Mayor Nicholas, who gave the closing speech of the meeting, ask how it went.
E 'was a good meeting, very participatory.
really nice climate, characterized by support and appreciation of the work done by all members of the coalition. There is a new generation of directors in the field, the parent Albonetti, the aldermen, the members of the Board. People who work hard to Casola and the achievement of the program that presented a year ago, I thank them all for the availability and seriousness so far demonstrated.
I want to point out that opportunities for dialogue, debate and discussion will continue. In addition to the public presentation of projects and we're going to build, organize periodic meetings with all citizens to evaluate the complex administrative activities.
And when possible, we will do it in a place open to the streets.
(more. ..)